Monday, January 17, 2011

What a catastrophe

Its already the third week since school reopened and I have 4 posts in each of the clubs, which I really didn't see it coming. Well, I'm still catching up on my tuitions and tons of homework but its really stressful. Now I finally understand why Form 3 is NOTHING.

I don't know whats wrong with me. My mood swings are totally bad. One minute, I might me happy, laughing away like a mad cow and the next thing you know, I get emo and I'll start thinking about how sucky my life is, being negative-oriented like I always am. Seriously, I hope nobody has an issue with this because I know it is annoying. Heh.

Its 9.40 and I just finished my homework. I didn't even sleep in the afternoon. I've never had afternoon naps yet. Now, I really don't know how to cope with my studies. Everything is so new and I don't know how am I going to take the first monthly exam. My theory exam is coming on march, Grade 8. My final exam for music because after that, I'm going to stop and hopefully I will pass my exam. The pressure is totally there but I have no time to do my theory work. Ironic. :\

The first public holiday since school reopen, this thursday :D Yay!

Kenal trek today was fun! I practically sang the whole way through with the 'other part' of my voice, which is the horrible one. Teasing Yee Wern with the whole VP thing. Heh.

Merentas Desa is tomorrow and I'm very sure that I won't be running because I not the atlethic kind of person. I shall find someone who is willing to WALK and SING all the way with me. I wouldn't want to race with my seniors, its a waste of time for me. Nyeheheh.

I love to blog but the irony is I have no time for blogging. :( Most of them are addicted to tumblr but I'm still loyal to my blog even though tumblr is love. Haha. I don't even have time for tumblr anymore. I used to save all those pretty pictures and reblog the quotes I find very true, but now? NOTHING. Iyiyiyiyi. Haha.
Chinese New Year is coming. :D I'm superbly looking forward to it. Thing is, I have a tuition lasting for 3 hours and 30 minutes on the 4th day of CNY, which is a sunday. SPOILER.

Time to hit the sack. Goodnight. Toodles!
P.S : I'm proud that there are still humans reading my blog. Thanks! It means a lot to me, which means I'm not blogging to the wall.

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