Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shakes head.

Hi people. :)

I'm getting fatter day by day. I eat six meals rather than 3 meals a day. EEEEEE. Anybody have any idea to go on a good diet? I really really really need one.

" just today i read one where a girl hasn’t eaten in 5 days and the only thing she ate today was about 50 calories. 50 FREAKING CALORIES. are you kidding me? that cannot sustain a body at all. she had been writing about how she’d been really tired and her period hadn’t come for 2 months… HELLO?! that means your body is slowly shutting down. you are killing yourself each day you eat your egg white with ketchup 50 calorie meal. every day you fast and don’t eat is one day closer to being hospitalized and eventually… dead.

the sad thing is this girl admitted to being anorexic and bulimic. she knows she has a problem. yet she doesn’t want to seek help for it at all. i know a lot of girls think they don’t have a problem and don’t admit to being anorexic or bulimic, but this girl openly admits it, and openly shuts down any help. it’s like she has a death wish. and it makes me so sad that someone could hate life so much, could hate themselves so much that they want to commit suicide by way of an eating disorder.

i just wish there was some way i could shake these girls awake and show them they are beautiful, they are loved. and by starving themselves, they are not solving problems, but creating so many more. i just can’t stand feeling helpless in this situation, watching all these tumblr ‘thinspiration’ blogs continue, like a cult, sucking more people into them and killing off our generation. "

well, i'm certainly not going for THAT, but i guess losing a few kg-s will be a good thing. Holidays are coming, that's even worse. People keep claiming that i'm 'THIN' which sometimes makes me feel insulted. sighs. i just can't seem to control myself.

I’m so scared to weigh myself. Each time the numbers are kept the same and do not see a smaller number, I feel sad. An infinite sense of guilt comes over me, is horrible. It’s horrible not being able to lose weight. And then I have friends around me who are so thin.

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